Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Knitwear & Boleros | Πλεκτά & Μπολερό

Please note that the following items are just a small sample from our wide range new collection.

Click on the image to enlarge.

KB-1015 | Available in various colours | Wool, Viscose | €16

KB-1014 | Available in various colours & styles | €45

KB-1013 | Available in blue & burgundy | Wool | Cotton | Lycra | €16

ΚΒ-1012 | Available in various colours & patterns | Wool | Cotton | Lycra | €39

ΚΒ-1011 | Available in various colours & patterns | Cotton | Viscose | Lycra | €19

ΚΒ-1010 | Available in various colours | Wool | Cotton | Lycra | €16

ΚΒ-1009 | Available in blue & burgundy | Wool | Cotton | Viscose | Lycra | €17

KB-1008 | Wool | Available in various styles & colours| €39

KB-1007 | Available in black & white | €30

KB-1006 | Available in black & white | €30